The frost is settled in a lovely white layer on the roofs opposite my studio window reflecting what felt like a quiet start to the new year, until one afternoon three phone calls brought with them three intriguing enquiries...
Firstly I was reminded that I had sent of an image of my paper Carriage Clock on request to Living Etc a month or so ago, it seemed the issue had now finally hit the shelves. A wander down to Tesco (very glam) revealed an exciting mention in their Best Buys of 2010 (February Issue). A later call brought the information that the clock had already been featured in Homes & Gardens the previous month, and as a result of this exciting press coverage I was approached to sell a range of products from The Book Tree Press with CultureLabel – the online shop for the arts selling artworks and products from organisations including the V&A, Tate and The British Museum.
Before celebrating these developments, I had to rush down the workshop to get printing, cutting and folding more clocks, all safely boxed and lined up on the studio shelf as I type. Rush over now though, and I think it deserves to mark the moment a little, so I decided to start a brand new shiny year by popping a few btp favourites into a January Sale for a short time only – Sale ends 31 January so get in quick!
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