Monday, 5 December 2011

Christmassy books and things...

I've quietly working away gearing up for Christmas since about June (or at least it feel like that!) It's a lovely feeling to box up all the paper bells, candelabra, cards and screen printed papers and put them into the hands of our wonderful Royal Mail to whisk them of to a gallery down south or over the sea, almost as exciting as receiving a parcel myself!

Orders have winged their way to my new stockist Yard Gallery in Holywood, Northern Ireland; mima down in Middlesbrough; and New Brewery Arts down in Cirencester. I also sent off some oversized candelabras to the Bowery in Leeds for a festive window display. In addition to all this Merriment Makers took a box of treats for their Pop-up Exhibition this weekend.

Tomorrow I will be at Life is Good in Morningside for a very classy workshop as part of their series 'Not tonight darling....'  We'll be making a beautiful booky paper christmas tree and Prossecco & mince pies will get you in the christmas mood. 

Cost £12. 
Tuesday 6th December, 6.30- 8.30pm.

Please call into the shop or call Jill on 01314473339 / 07903585682 to book.

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