Thursday, 23 June 2011

Lost in Marrakesh

In April I was fortunate to be awarded a Craft Maker Award from the City of Edinburgh Council to facilitate further research within my practice as an illustrator.  This exciting development enabled me to set up more processes within my small studio and buy important materials. However more significantly it has introduced freedom for experimentation and a 'playground' to explore process in my work. 

The two images above were two of the first silk screen prints I produced with the help of the grant. They were inspired by a trip to Marrakesh in Morocco in February and are made up of layer upon layer of textural marks. I was fascinated during our visit by the stucco plasterwork, mosaic tiling and a beautiful terracotta pink which adorned the walls of main streets, which quickly narrowed to alleys then passages and eventually inevitably drew you to a dead end and the entrance to someone's home. We got happily lost most days trying to find our way out to the walls of the old city and back to our hotel. But leaving the slight apprehension caused by a strange place aside, this was definitely the best way to explore and discover unique Morocco. I hope to return soon to see the rest of the country, in particular the white and blue washes of the Atlantic coast.

(top: 'Morocco' 2011 edition of 6
bottom: 'The Bike Shop' 2011 edition of 6)


  1. Lucy these are beautiful!

  2. Congrats on getting the award! These prints are lovely (I especially like the patterns used in the 1st print). you picked such a wonderful country for inspiration, keep it up :)


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